I’m Louise R and I’ve been around horses for as long as I can remember. Growing up on a farm on the outskirts of Dallas, I cared for these elegant, graceful, and intelligent animals since I was old enough to speak.
I am currently studying to become an equine nutritionist at Texas A&M University in College Station.
Interacting with horses from an early age has taught me that these wonderful animals need constant care and understanding. No two horses are exactly the same. They each have their own needs and wants, and unique personalities.
I decided to create in order to share everything I know about horses. In this blog, I’ll try to answer some of the most frequent questions I hear about horses & horse care, and I’ll provide some suggestions when it comes to horse gear and horse riding equipment.
Hopefully, you’ll get to learn from my experience and you’ll be able to form a tighter bond with your own horse as a result.
If you would like to get in touch with me or collaborate with this website in any way, feel free to reach out using the form below: